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Fun in Taiwan! The Best Guide to Taiwan(16K彩色+1MP3)

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010629755



Taiwan is a small country with a rich diversity of scenery, history, food, and culture. For tourists coming to the island, there’s a lot to see and experience. This book will take you around Taiwan and introduce you to many aspects of life and culture here.

There are 27 chapters, which have been split into six major topics: Introduction, Travel and Accommodation, Food and Beverages, Shopping Experience, Scenic Spots and Attractions, and Customs and Festivals.

Each chapter includes a reading passage, two dialogs, two exercises, and extra information. This book gives you an opportunity to broa博客來推薦金den your vocabulary and enhance your reading comprehension and speaking skills. Features of each chapter:


Essential words that you need to pay extra attention to are listed at the beginning of each chapter. Take a look at all the vocabulary before you go on to the passage.

★Reading passage

Each chapter contains a reading passage on the main topic. Detailed information about Taiwan’s culture, history, religion, language, food, or attractions is provided in the passages.

★Reading Comprehension

Multiple choice questions will help you test your comprehension of the information in the passage.


Each chapter has two dialogs based on the information given in the passage. By reading the dialogs with a partner, you can practice your conversation skills and learn how to talk about Taiwan in English with your foreign friends.

★Vocabulary Test

The tests will help you review the vocabulary in each cha博客來網路書店pter and help you remember the words more fully.

★Extra Information

At the end of each chapter, there are a few short passages that contain additional information about Taiwan.

★Colorful pictures

Colorful pictures are used throughout the book to give you to better understanding of the reading passages and extra information. We hope this will help you learn English in a more relaxing way.




















  • 作者: Andrew Crosthwaite;Cheryl Robbins、Zachary Fillingham/審訂
  • 出版社:寂天
  • 出版日期:2013/03/20
  • 語言:繁體中文

Fun in Taiwan! The Best Guide to Taiwan(16K彩色+1MP3)

商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/readgirl0001/products/0010629755


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